7/1/95 22:30 |
Ocean Shores, WA |
Group of 9 watch bright white light hover, maneuver rapidly,
above Pacific Ocean. Obj. moved rapidly; descended to ocean. |
7/2/95 23:15 |
Winnemucca, NV |
Man, while out feeding horses, sees red light streak E to
W across S sky. Obj. simply "fizzles out" suddenly. Reptd. on
radio. |
7/3/95 0:30 |
Glendale, AZ |
Woman repts. multiple red bright lights hovering, maneuvering
"over the mountains." Objects reptd. to ascend "pretty fast." |
7/3/95 10:30 |
Inspiration Pt., CA |
Family of 5 witness peculiar "silver, sparkling shape"
shoot across highway. Shape was like "flattened sphere." |
7/4/95 21:30 |
Orlando, FL |
5 witnesses report 3 yellow oval lights the size of venus
passing over Orlando. Faster than aircraft but slower than shooting star. |
7/7/95 15:00 |
Canada, BC |
Woman on flight from AK to Seattle sees bizarre, metallic-looking
cylinder pass under aircraft wing. Exclnt written rept.. |
7/7/95 23:59 |
Aurora, IL |
Man repts. object streaks overhead to SE horizon. |
7/9/95 23:00 |
Versailles, MO |
USAF officer relays report re 5 bizarre ships seen hovering
over field w/ strange creatures underneath. |
7/9/95 23:00 |
Versailles, MO |
Multiple witnesses observe huge triangular ship, surrounded
by four disc-shaped ships, w/ up to 50 bizarre creatures underneath! |
7/10/95 21:50 |
Bonanza, OR |
Woman witnesses four very bright yellow lights appear, then
disappear sequentially. (Note: Was military flares over local airport.) |
7/11/95 22:30 |
Fircrest, WA |
Young woman witnesses 2 objects, "shaped like diamonds,"
pass overhead, fly west. "Shimmering" appearance. No sound. |
7/14/95 22:10 |
Seattle, WA |
Multiple calls received regarding strange obj. over Pug.
Sound. (Note: King Co. Airport Sec. Police rept. MIG-17 doing aerobatics.) |
7/15/95 7:10 |
Auburn, WA |
Woman witnesses bizarre metallic cylinder, 12" tall,
4" wide (est.) hovering just above ground! Obj. was 130' from her
position. |
7/15/95 15:20 |
Seattle, WA |
Man repts. seeing round, metallic obj. flying through sky
NNE of Green Lake. Turns south, disappears to south. |
7/15/95 15:20 |
Seattle, WA |
Man witnesses a round, metallic-appearing obj. fly south,
then turn east. Disappeared to east. |
7/16/95 1:40 |
Santa Ana, CA |
Man & wife witness very bizarre aerial display of 10-20
white lights. (Probable Disneyland laser display practice.) |
7/16/95 12:15 |
Macon, GA |
Man & wife witness bright orange disc streak over Hwy
78. Flipped on edge, turned white, shot south. Size of full moon. |
7/16/95 15:00 |
Cherry Hill, NJ |
Dentist, 2 lifeguards, and others see same black dot that
had been seen 3 wks. earlier. (See 27JN95 event.) |
7/19/95 0:30 |
Birmingham, AL |
Woman & son encounter 3 "double sets of headlights"
hovering in sky. Moved to left of car; silhouette visible. Shot beam of
light. |
7/19/95 1:30 |
Sacramento, CA |
Sqare obj w 3 white lights and blue nose light seen by residents
of neighborhood. Caused houses to shake. |
7/19/95 22:40 |
Pacific, WA |
Man sees bizarre cluster of 5 lights in straight line. Center
3 strobed. Obj. moves north, dips below trees. Turned w/o banking. |
7/20/95 1:00 |
Ballard, WA |
Woman repts. seeing obj. w/ red & green flashing lights
fly east over Pug. Sound, turn south. Obj. was huge, very fast. |
7/20/95 2:15 |
Pt. Orchard, WA |
Daughter wakes parents, all 3 witness bizarre craft w/ colored
lights hover nearby. Chased w/ car. Obj. zigzags, disappears. |
7/20/95 21:32 |
Vista, CA |
Mother & son see 4 pairs of paired lights hovering motionless
in formation. 5th craft streaks up, hovers. Near Camp Pendleton. |
7/20/95 22:25 |
Renton, WA |
Man (pilot, astronomer) witnesses very bright obj. moving
fast across sky. Disappeared from sight behind trees. |
7/20/95 23:00 |
Bellevue, WA |
Young man & girlfriend see strange, round obj. hovering
outside apt.. Feel peculiar sensations when they walk outside on porch. |
7/22/95 10:30 |
Santa Clara, CA |
Tennis inst. & 2 others witness 4 tiny metallic-looking
cylinders maneuvering dramatically overhead. Looked white, blue, red. |
7/22/95 20:00 |
Redding, CA |
Sixteen people witness 4 bizarre cigar-shaped, metallic-appearing
objects fly slowly S to N over home. No wings, tail, or engines. |
7/22/95 20:00 |
Springfield, IL |
Man & mother report small, glowing, cigar-shaped obj.
moving slowly across sky. Accelerated suddenly, streaked off. |
7/23/95 23:00 |
Snake River, ID |
12 passengers on tour boat see "manta ray" pass
directly overhead. Delta-shaped wings appeared "to ripple." Strange
black color. |
7/24/95 3:00 |
Olympia, WA |
Group of 5 (?) people witness "shooting star"
streak across sky, then stop. Second "star" began to move. (Not
all facts clear.) |
7/24/95 22:30 |
Arlington, IL |
Man repts. seeing "whole sky light up." Flash
appeared to be from very high up, very bright, stationary, and cast shadows. |
7/25/95 9:35 |
Ocate, NM |
4 observers view 2 point of light above horizon moving erratically
up and down. Darted off very rapidly. Miltary aircraft buzzed. |
7/25/95 15:00 |
W. Seattle, WA |
Woman repts. seeing highly reflective, small obj. maneuvering
in sky. Appeared "to have energy around it." |
7/25/95 20:30 |
Marion, SD |
Woman w/ nephew & niece witness "long, white thing
w/ a red tail" streak from E to S horizon. It was shaped like rocket. |
7/25/95 23:15 |
Sappello, NM |
Point of light dimmed and then brightened. Moved erratically
up down and around. Zig-zagged across sky, descended fast. |
7/26/95 22:30 |
Mason City, IA |
Woman repts. seeing peculiar star zigzagging across sky.
Fifth sighting in a week. |
7/27/95 1:00 |
Belleville, IL |
Man repts. seeing "silver cylinder" moving in
sky. (Facts not complete.) |
7/27/95 13:52 |
Beaverton, OR |
Woman repts. hovering light over nearby field. Hovered,
changed colors, moved very slowly. Later, saw 5 lights in formation. |
7/27/95 21:30 |
Riverside, CA |
Man repts. seeing peculiar bright, white light, apparently
hovering over mountains to east. Descended, then rose up. |
7/27/95 23:20 |
Rochester, NY |
Two men driving on major hwy. witness a strange triangle
overhead w/ red, green, & yellow lights directly overhead. Flew slowly. |
7/28/95 0:01 |
Bakersfield, CA |
Man & neighbor witness bright, white light maneuveririg
erratically in sky overhead. Bigger than star, he thought. |
7/28/95 0:10 |
Belmont, CA |
Man & wife rept. strange, moving light in sky. Looks
like "three headlights in a row." Not an airliner or helicopter,
they report. |
7/28/95 0:15 |
Folsom, CA |
Woman repts seeing circular craft with "kidney-bean
shaped, soft amber lights." Flew over house. Called Folsom Police. |
7/28/95 3:45 |
Seattle, WA |
Man repts. several sightings of very rapidly moving lights
& dark bodies overhead. Reflect city lights off ventral sides. |
7/28/95 14:00 |
Racine, WI |
Man & wife witness bizarre, very bright, silver-looking
disc in clear sky. Obj. was joined suddenly by two identical craft. |
7/28/95 23:10 |
Clarksville, VA |
Woman repts. sighting disc-shaped obj. w/ flashing red &
green lights. Stationary. (Possible twinkling stars?) |
7/29/95 2:00 |
Parshallville, MI |
Man & neighbor witness sudden bright flash on very clear
night, followed by "contrail" rising vertically. Disappears from
sight. |
7/29/95 13:52 |
Puyallup, WA |
Man & son witness a small, round, brown object high
in sky. Hovered in place, accelerated suddenly, and flew north. |
7/29/95 21:30 |
Wilkes-Barre, PA |
Two men witnes peculiar bright flash in sky, followed by
4 beeps. Then witness object streaking across sky, turns, flashes. |
7/29/95 22:30 |
Culver City, CA |
Woman sits outside to witness aircraft. Sees a large "triangular-shaped
obj. w/ pastel lights on edge" pass slowly overhead. |
7/29/95 22:30 |
Portland, OR |
MUFON investigator reports her mother witnessed four discs
in formation over Portland. |
7/30/95 0:10 |
San Fernando, CA |
Man repts. multiple sightings of strangely lighted craft
hovering, then streaking overhead in clear sky. Some w/ subdued lights. |
7/30/95 1:06 |
Bolivia, NC |
NC Emer. Commo.Cntr. repts. 2 police officers reporting
strange lights in sky near Goose Creek area. |
7/30/95 22:00 |
Newtown, CT |
Man & wife witness two sightings of an obj. moving across
sky very fast. |
7/30/95 22:00 |
Baltimore, MD |
Woman repts. seeing strange, bright obj. moving back &
forth, moving in circles. Streaks to north out of sight. |
7/30/95 22:05 |
Highpoint, NC |
Man sitting on lawn hears obj. pass overhead very fast.
Distinct humming tone. Repts. it sheared limb off tree. |
7/30/95 22:45 |
San Fernando, CA |
Second call from two men witnessing multiple craft streaking
across sky. Obj. are disc-shaped, w/ blue & red lights on edge. |
7/31/95 |
Trenton, NJ |
NJ Division of Aviation relays seemingly credible UFO report
from NJ citizen. |
7/31/95 23:45 |
Morris Plains, NJ |
Dentist, neighbor, 3 police observe bizarre, bright light
flying wing-shaped craft "w/ red, green, & white bubbles."
Exclnt rept. |